Sacraments Bring Us into Grace, Healing, and Devotion
In our Catholic faith, the seven sacraments are of three basic types: Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation), Healing (Reconciliation and Anointing), and Vocation (Matrimony and Holy Orders).
If you would like to have your child baptized, please visit our Baptism page. When you are ready, please contact the parish office.
We welcome youth and adults—at any stage of life—who have not yet received the grace of Baptism. We invite you to find out more about our OCIA program.
Reconciliation—also called Confession or Penance—and First Reconciliation
In any relationship, hurts can build up, leading us to need to "clear the air." In our relationship with
the Lord, we regularly need to reckon with what has happened, face our true situation, seek God's plentiful forgiveness, and go forward with intent to learn and change. For Catholics, the Sacrament of Reconciliation
is our way of connecting with our loving Father's mercy, grace, and peace.
Our parish priest offers Reconciliation weekly on Saturdays from 3:15 to 3:45
pm and at other times by appointment. During the seasons of Advent and
Lent check the parish bulletin for for other opportunities for Reconciliation. If your health does not permit you to come to church for Reconciliation,
please call the parish office. Our parish priest will visit you.
Family Faith Formation program prepares children in Grade 2 to receive Reconciliation for the first time. First Reconciliation takes place in December,
during the Advent season. We regard this event as a celebration of God's loving mercy and forgiveness. Watch the bulletin
for announcements about meetings to help prepare parents and students for this joyful day.
Eucharist or Holy Communion, and First Eucharist
Christ founded the Sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. He broke bread and said "This is my body"; and later, "This is the cup of my blood."
What did he mean? We call the Eucharist a mystery because we do not presume to know the full depth and meaning of Christ's words. Perhaps most mysterious of all was his command: "Do this in memory of me."
We do as he commanded and trust that in some miraculous way, the bread and wine truly become his body and his blood. For us, the Eucharist is genuinely and vividly our Lord in our midst. So of course the Eucharist is
central to our lives.
Please join us at any of our daily and weekend Masses (schedule).
If your health does not permit you to come to Mass, please call the parish
office. We would like to bring the Eucharist to you. You may also wish to participate in the weekly
television Mass celebrated by the Diocese of La Crosse and broadcast at 9:30 each Sunday morning.
Family Faith Formation program prepares children in Grade 2 to receive the Eucharist for the first time. First Eucharist takes place on a Sunday
during the Easter season. Watch the bulletin for announcements about meetings to help prepare parents and students for this joyful day.
Confirmation is the Catholic sacrament of initiation
into adult discipleship.
Grade 9-10 Confirmation program prepares students for the sacrament of Confirmation in their 10th grade year. The process involves service, ministry, reflection, mini-retreats,
and other scrutiny. Confirmation takes place in the Spring; the specific date usually depends on the bishop's schedule.
Anointing of the Sick
In an emergency, call our parish priest at 608.788.5483, ext. 7. If he is away from the Rectory, your call will be transferred to his cell phone.
If you or a loved one will be in the hospital, please tell the Pastoral Care Department to call MMOC. Because of federal laws on privacy in
health care, the hospital will not notify MMOC unless you ask them to do so. Our pastoral staff (Fr. Konopa, Sr. Kathy, and Therese van Oss)
would like to visit you in the hospital if you wish, to bring you the sacraments and pray with you.
Several times each year we celebrate a weekday Mass at which the Sacrament of Anointing is offered. Watch for an announcement in the bulletin.
The church's formal catechism (teaching) on
anointing is published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the elders of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord,
and the prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven." --James 5:14-15
Matrimony: The Vocation of Marriage and Family
Are you thinking about getting married? Please visit our
Wedding Resources page.
Holy Orders: The Priesthood and Permanent Deaconate
If you would like to talk about a possible vocation for yourself or your child, please talk with our pastor,
Fr. Brian Konopa.
Updated 11 May 2024