Schedule of Regular Events      Monthly    Quarterly to Annual

Daily, Weekly, and Biweekly Events



Tuesday through Friday
Thursday at Hillview Healthcare


7:30 am
4:00 pm
8:00 and 10:00 am

Reconciliation (Confession)


3:15 to 3:45 pm

Bulletin deadline




12:00 noon

Sunday Choir Practice




6:00 to 7:30 pm

Parish Office Open


Tuesday through Friday


8:00 am to 3:00 pm



We pray the rosary in the church at 7:05 am before the 7:30 am Mass each weekday.  On Wednesdays, the Cenacles of Life group also leads special prayers and (for those who are able to stay for it) a second rosary after Mass.

Scrip Sales




8:00 am to 3:00 pm in the parish office
All weekend Masses

Staff Meetings




8:30 am in the parish hall

Monthly and Bimonthly Events

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Reconciliation

First Thursday of each month

4:45 to 5:45 pm

Communion Calls
(providing Eucharist for the home-bound)


First Tuesday and Wednesday of each month.  A list of names will be published in the bulletin a week or two in advance.  Please call the Parish Office to let us know who needs the Eucharist brought to them.

Finance Council Meeting


Third Tuesday of every other month (alternates with Parish Council), September through May


7:00 pm in Classroom C

Men's Club Meeting


First Wednesday of each month,
September through May


7:00 pm in Classroom C

Women's Club Meeting


First Monday of each month,
September through May


7:00 pm in the parish hall

Parish Council Meeting


Third Tuesday of every other month (alternates with Finance Council), September through May


6:00 pm in Classroom C

Quarterly to Annual Events

Chicken Que


Second Thursday of May and September



Silver Circle Luncheon


Four times per year in February, May, August, and November; watch the bulletin for updates.


11:30 am on a Thursday

Parish Family Picnic


Annual, in June or August.  A relaxed gathering with picnic food and beverages.  The last couple of years we've added a show of antique/interesting cars, and we take a "family photo."  Games and activities for the kids.  A great chance to connect with friends we don't see as often as we'd like.

Patronal Feast Celebration


Annual, on the Monday after Pentecost.  See Our Story.



Updated 24 May 2024