Building and Nourishing Adult Faith
Opportunities to enrich and share your faith journey come up often at MMOC and around our area. Keep an eye on our bulletin and websites for news and details.
OCIA Program
Are you seeking to know Jesus Christ more deeply or understand God and His plan for us more fully? Do you want to learn more about what Catholics believe and why? Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Please know you are not alone and that you are invited to journey with us in OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
OCIA is an opportunity to come together weekly to learn about deepening our relationship with God. We will grow in our understanding of the Catholic Faith, discuss how to live the fullness of life in Jesus Christ, and discover how to enter more fully into Our Father's family: the Church.
For more information, please contact Deacon Terry Bell.
If you were raised Catholic and would like to talk about anything, we'd like to talk with you. Whatever your experience,
whatever doubts or questions or hurts you may have, please trust this: We are your brothers and sisters
in Christ. We are here for you. We'll listen to you, talk with you, pray with you, and serve you. Please call.
A Discussion of CCO Groups
Our diocese hosts an annual conference in August for people involved in faith formation. (Anyone is welcome.) The conference, "Witness for Christ 2020", was online. One session was a discussion of the small faith-sharing groups known as Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO). Taking part in the panel discussion were Fr. Konopa, Lisa Doering, Sue Halter, Peter Schmitz, and Linda Schwartz. We are regularly forming groups for our next year of CCO; check the bulletin for details.
Updated 11 April 2024