Our programs for Children in Grades 1 - 5
To enroll your child in these programs, please contact our Director of Faith Formation, Kristin Johnson.
Family Faith Formation
Our Family Faith Formation Program is a collaboration of five parishes in the city of La Crosse: Blessed Sacrament, Cathedral, Holy Trinity, Mary, Mother of the Church, and Roncalli Newman. Families with children in grades 1-5 from all five of the collaborating parishes participate in this program. Our sessions provide both parents and children simultaneously with education about the faith as well as an opportunity to discuss and share with other families in their small groups their own thoughts, experiences and questions about the faith topic. Families are also assigned an At Home Mission which is a task they complete the following week as a family in their home. When they gather again in person again they share about how the At Home Mission went as well as conclude with any further learning or discussion about the monthly topic.
Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist usually occurs during a child's second grade year. Participation in grade one classes is expected to set a foundation for learning about these sacraments. Participation in parent meetings is also required. Typically, First Reconciliation is observed during the Advent Season and First Eucharist is celebrated during the Easter Season.
Diocese of La Crosse Guidelines for Reporting Instances of Child Abuse
The Diocese of La Crosse, through its policies and procedures➚, seeks to provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (bishop, priest, deacon, employee, religious, vendor or volunteer). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should send that report to Ms. Teresa Brown, Complaint Intake Agent, at the Diocese of La Crosse, P.O. Box 4004, La Crosse, WI 54602-4004. Alternatively, you can contact Ms. Brown at 608.791.0179 or intakeagent@diolc.org. The reporting form is available through the Diocese of La Crosse Office of Safe Environment or on the diocesan website at: diolc.org/safeenvironment/reporting➚. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. Copies of the diocesan policy are available through your local parish and on the diocesan website➚. If you have any questions about the Diocese of La Crosse and the implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Teresa Brown, Diocese of La Crosse, at 608.791.2679; or tbrown@diolc.org.
Updated 25 April 2024