Help and Resources for Marriages and Families
When Your Marriage is Hurting
Do you feel lost, alone or bored in your marriage?
Are you frustrated, hurt or angry with your spouse?
Are you constantly fighting? Or, do you simply shut down?
Have you thought about separation or divorce?
Does talking about it only make it worse?
Retrouvaille➚ (retro-vi), a world-wide program to help couples heal and renew their own marriage relations,
is a lifeline for married couples. This weekend offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, and a loving relationship in your marriage.
Fully confidential, you will not need to share with others beside your spouse. Hope is a phone call away! The confidential, toll-free number
is 1.877.922.4673.
Diocesan Resources
One of the ministries of the Diocese of La Crosse is the Office of Marriage and Family Life➚. They offer a wide range of support for all stages of married life.
Financial distress—arguing about money—is one of the greatest sources of distress in marriages. If you or someone in your family are stressed about credit card debt, low credit score, or struggling to pay bills, please contact the St. Lawrence Community Services Program➚ of Catholic Charities at 608-782-0710 or You will be treated with respect and strict confidentiality, so don't let shame or a worsening situation keep you from getting prompt help. The staff are experienced people with business backgrounds. They are very knowledgeable and senstive. They offer educational seminars, personal counseling, and help with managing debts and repayment.
If you are a divorced Catholic, please visit the Diocesan office called the Matrimonial Tribunal➚. Please do not let anything keep you from at least looking into the annulment process, even if you have no intention of remarrying. Annulment can bring peace and help to repair the spiritual and some of the emotional damage that divorce entails.
Updated 13 May 2024