We celebrate and support MMOC women and men who dedicate themselves to service. We pray for their clarity of purpose and strength and peace of mind and heart.
We remember that at the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of Judas. Jesus gave us a lesson that even today throws aside our everyday experience of the boss as superior and the worker as subordinate. Jesus turned that formula on its head: The ones who would lead his church should learn to wash feet—the humblest form of personal, direct service to another.
We respect and pray for those who dedicate their lives, and rightly so. They have put themselves in the back seat when the world tells us all to take the driver's seat and go where we will, not as God wills. Somehow they know to be okay when instead of themselves, it is Christ who holds the wheel. May they remain in our hearts and prayers and always in the loving embrace of the Holy Spirit.
At every daily Mass at MMOC,
we gather to say the Rosary and this prayer for vocations:
Companion God, you gave us your Son Jesus to be our Shepherd.
May we listen attentively to his voice as he guides us on our
journey toward a life of service. Bless our parish and our
families with men and women who will generously respond to your
call to service as priests, deacons, sisters, or brothers. Help
us to recognize the signs of your spirit and to encourage our young
people whatever their vocation may be. We ask this in the name
of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Please pray for all the priests, FSPA, and other religious of our diocese.
Updated 16 May 2024