
Sacristans prepare the worship space as to aid in the prayerfulness of our liturgies. Our ministry accomplishes what is seldom noticed, a ministry of hospitality similar to readying our home for visitors.
A Sacristan takes care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents, including vessels, books, vestments, holy water, candles, plants and flowers, and incense. The Sacristan's job is to see that all is in place before the Mass begins.

We are seeking parishioners who are willing to volunteer as sacristans for weekend Masses. This commitment would require arriving 20-30 minutes before Mass for set-up and staying afterward to clean vessels and store items. Individual training is provided. Please contact the Parish Office at 788-5483 to express interest or to receive additional information.

Between the 4th Sunday of Advent and the Christmas Vigil, our Sacristans have a lot of joyful work to do.

For Holy Thursday and Good Friday the environment in church is austere. Just about anything not bolted down is removed, and what can't be removed is veiled.

We are grateful to many generous families who donate flowers for Easter, and to our sacristans for arranging them beautifully.

Updated 16 May 2024