Hospitality Ministry

"...I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me..." (Matthew 25:35).

Hospitality is the ministry of welcome and fellowship.  By cheerful greetings and preparing coffee, juice, and treats, our hospitality team helps to create an atmosphere for conversation. More than one new parish member has said that it was the warmth of our hospitality that made them want to join this parish.

Our campus includes three spaces for hospitality. On Sundays our main venue is the gathering space at the East end (main entry) of our church. A second space is inside the parish hall. There will also be a hospitality/snack area in the East end of our Religious Education Center.

The parish office schedules our Hospitality ministers every 3 or 4 months or so. When you need a substitute or to check your assignments, log into Ministry Scheduler. This is a wonderful ministry for couples or friends to perform together.

Updated 16 May 2024