MMOC on Google Places
An appeal from your
One of my projects has been to make sure that when people are looking for a church in our area, MMOC is near the top of their search results.
One of the ways that MMOC is on the Web is called Google Places. Think of it as an online, multimedia "yellow pages" listing. It is a
free service. Yet it is an important form of evangelism because a lot of young people find their way to MMOC on the web, and this is one of
their paths.
There is one step we could take that might help to make MMOC's listing even more prominent. In Google Places, organizations with more customer reviews rank higher than those with fewer reviews. I know it's odd
to think of writing a "reviewing" of your parish. But if we could get some loyals to write brief entries about life at MMOC, that might help with this particular evangelism.
You can help, and it will take only a few minutes. Begin by taking a moment to consider what aspects of our parish life are best or most
valuable to you. Then follow these steps:
Google➚ search on "catholic church la crosse wi".
Look for MMOC and click "Google Reviews".
Then click "Write a Review."
Updated 28 April 2024